
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

KansasMom6/02/2009 2:15:59 pm PDT

re: #795 kansas

I think it unlikely these charges of violation of the healing arts board would be politically motivated, as I have a license and practice in this state. He was being investigated because documents from his office showed violations of the healing arts statutes. So while he was not guilty in the criminal case, his license was in jeopardy.

Are these the documents that Kline subpeoned from Tiller and Planned Parenthood to search for services provided to underage girls? The goal was to prove that Tiller was not reporting cases of statutory rape, and the investigation by the AGs office showed that he did in fact properly report those cases. Only when he was confronted with his pro-life bias did Kline get similar records of births to underage girls from hospitals to see if they reported as well….