
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

Targetpractice1/10/2014 4:15:38 am PST

re: #80 Justanotherhuman

Everyone seems to be asking this…

Chris Christie Took His Sweet Time to Find the Truth About of Bridgegate

Evidence was mounting for months that it was no mere “traffic study” that snarled things on the George Washington bridge. Christie’s two-hour Thursday’s press conference didn’t answer why he looked away.

Not to mention, Christie did not condemn the actual act—just the “culture” he thought was brewing. A culture, actually, that most likely developed around him and his own image.

Pres Obama can’t show anger and must “control” what he says and does and if he “gets out line” he’s going to be condemned as just another “angry black”.

Christy, OTOH, being a white Jersey guy, is pretty much expected to act like “waste mgmt owner” when he feels like it—and gets away with it.

Yeah, the only conclusion if you want to believe that Christie was truly in the dark before Wednesday is that he was there willingly, that he knew something funny was going on but chose not to investigate it further. No telling what his reasons were, but my guess is he suspected his staffers had done something of an illegal nature and willfully chose to remain in the dark so that he couldn’t be accused at a later date of being a party to it.