
Kindle for iPhone Review

astronmr203/04/2009 11:53:10 am PST

re: #45 Sharmuta

I disagree. I think this app shows Apple is either not able or willing to develop their own iReader (and I highly doubt it’s because they’re not willing). It’s quite possible it’s just too expensive to develop at this time for them based on what they’re seeing with their overall sales. Just think of all the Apple lovers going crazy for an iReader. It would all be “Kindle what?”. No- they made a calculated decision not pursue a similar device (for now) and I’d wager the economy was a factor.

Their devices are already set up as readers. The hardware, OS, and development is already there in iphone/ ipod touch. No need to develop, manufacture, and market some separate device that only shows text.

This is another selling point for people to pick up an iphone or ipod touch, and makes the iphone/ipod a natural accessory to people who already own a kindle but don’t want to take it on the road, since it syncs with your existing kindle account. Thus- it becomes a “kindle-pod.”

This is what was envisioned when Apple conceived the iphone/ OS and 3rd party app development process.