
Outrageous Outrage of the Day, Starring Danny Glover

SixDegrees1/15/2010 12:49:11 pm PST

re: #68 ExCamelJockey

You are saying that it’s a stretch for a Hugo Chavez loving leftist to have made an Al Gore like statement blaming the earthquake on global warming? Leftist blogs have blamed global warming for everything from hamster zits to Tiger Woods infidelity. It’s just all too common. Barring any other evidence I’d assume that’s exactly what Glover meant.

Yes, (Bush is) racist. We all knew that, but the world is only finding it out now.
-Danny Glover

Uh - what’s being said is really very simple: that Glover didn’t say anything like what he’s accused of having said. His own words are above; I have no idea what it is he’s trying to say, but I don’t see anything in it about global warming causing earthquakes, either.

Assuming you’re willing to accept Glover’s actual words as evidence, that is.