
Egyptian women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/07/2011 8:36:46 am PDT

re: #78 Buck

I just cannot get my head around that. I cannot accept that any woman or girl could be raped, and they say they were raped, but no force was used.

What about a small boy? I was an eight year old boy, and I was raped. As I told you already. And there was no force involved.

What is hard to grasp about that?

I bristle everytime I hear you say that a minor can consent.

I bristle everytime you purposefully avoid reading the parts where I say that consent is meaningless in the eyes of ethics and the law. I know you have to ignore me saying that in order to smear me the way you want to, but it’s rather obviously shitty of you.

BUT in that case the girl is not saying she was raped.

Ah. So as long as the minor doesn’t say that it was rape, it wasn’t rape, for you? So any fifteen year old girl who says that she really wanted to have sex, in that case it’s not rape?

Think about what you’re saying, Buck. Think long and hard.