
Mitt Romney: 'I'm Not Concerned About the Very Poor'

Eclectic Cyborg2/01/2012 10:03:50 am PST

I was trying to think of a nice way to say this, but I can’t.

Fuck you, Mitt.

You don’t have a fucking clue what it is like out there. Something is seriously wrong when a family living BELOW the poverty line is considered “too wealthy” to qualify for certain types of aid.

Not to mention, you shouldn’t need an Ivy League education to realize that many of the poor people in the America today USED TO BE MIDDLE CLASS before you and your rich buddies sent the economy into the crapper and got the government to bail you out.

The social safety net in this country is badly broken and most people who share your philosophy Mitt want to make it WEAKER. That is not a recipe for a stronger America. That is not a key to economic recovery.

Call me a marxist, bleeding heart Liberal if you want to, but that’s not what I am. I’m just a guy who thinks that people of lesser means should have reasonable access to aid and other opportunities to help them improve themselves and their life situation, not be nickle and dimed and defunded until they have no choice but to live in the streets.

You are a big part of what’s wrong with America. Politicians like you live in this giant bubble where you are completely oblivious and uneducated as to what it’s like out here in the real world.

If you’ve never waited in line to apply for food stamps, collected unemployment aid, bought your clothes for $2 at a thrift store and been forced to live off practically no food for WEEKS on end, you don’t get to speak for the “poor people” because you have no idea what that is.

“Ignorance is bliss” won’t last you forever Mitt and it sure as hell won’t get you a one-way ticket to the White House either.

A proud American from the real world