
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Walter L. Newton5/18/2009 10:33:25 pm PDT

re: #806 Killgore Trout

My fondest Thanksgiving memory is from college where I ate turkey pot pies with four lesbians, drank a case of Bud and smoked an 1/8 th dirt weed. I’m sorry my mutliculti credentials don’t pass muster with you.

Just honestly answer my question. You think the term “fat lesbian” is ok? Would you use it to her face, in that wonderful endearing way you have. Go ahead, call her that, I bet the next thing that would happen is you and her would be moving in together.

I have a lot of gay friends (hell, I work in theatre), but I’ll be damned if I would ever use that term. And as i read your original post, it is evident that you have a problem with her size and health problems.

Get off it Killgore, it was mean, cruel and nasty.