
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/12/2009 5:27:56 pm PDT

re: #808 DisturbedEma

But I have no idea how NOT voting for the opposite of dear leader is better- he signed on for unlimited abortion AND stem cell research…how is that making a point for those who claim to value vote?

I don’t see how Obama signed on for unlimited abortion. I am not sure what you are referring to.

As per stem cell research, honestly, it is part of my values as an observant Jew to say that we should pursue the research.

The stem lines that people are talking about using do not come from abortions. Rather they come from “excess” zygotes that were fertlized in vitro from fertility clinics and never even implanted.

Even by the strict 40 day standard (for neshama), we do not have a problem halachicly.