
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Kragar6/01/2012 10:04:05 am PDT

Don’t worry, Bryan Fischer has a cunning plan.

Bryan Fischer Works to ‘Reclaim the ‘D’ Word’ to Promote Anti-Gay Discrimination

Time and time again American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer has advocated for the criminalization of homosexuality, and has been quite disturbed by the recent repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and court rulings that found DOMA to be unconstitutional. So today he posted a column arguing for a new campaign to “reclaim the ‘D’ word”—discrimination—and saying that government should discriminate against gays and lesbians to stop them from “destroying themselves through non-normative sexual behavior.”

Fischer claims that it is ironic that gays don’t face discrimination even as the government wages an “all-out war against cigarette smoking,” condemns “pedophilia, rape, bestiality” and punishes people who “burgle houses, drive while drunk, eat the faces off homeless people, gun down servicemen on military bases, embezzle funds from employers or clients, or beat their wives.”