
Texas Creationists Had a Plan B

Kenneth1/24/2009 3:38:50 pm PST

Young earth/young universe creationsist have a serious theological problem.

If one take a telescope and looks at the billions of stars & galaxies and measures their vectors (ie. speed and direction) one can clearly see that they are all diverging from a common point. What is more, that divergance looks like it began about 12.5 billion years ago. There are several other measurements that can be taken, such as the cosmic radiation backgound, which point to the same beginning point, which has been called “The Big Bang”.

So either the universe began in a big bang 12.5 billion years ago, or God, in one of his wackiest moments of irony, decided to make a universe a just few thousand years ago, but to make it look like it was 12.5 billion years ago.

Not only are Creationism & Intelligent Design junk science, they are junk theology as well.