
The NAACP Was Conned By Andrew Breitbart

researchok7/20/2010 10:56:26 am PDT

re: #49 Ebetty

I disagree. “The White House” is a building, not a person. Who at the WH? Press Secretary Gibbs? He talks about responsible journalism all the time. Going back to Anita Dunn, Obama Officials have been calling for it.

All Gibbs and other West Wing staff can do is point to the Communications Shop at USDA and express disappointment in their judgment. USDA is a part of the Executive Branch.

Breitbart is the villain. No one in the WW has any obligation to single him out. The only way to get rid of Breitbart is for the establishment GOP & the grassroots conservatives to unite against him. They won’t do that, so the whole thing is just one more episode of bile-spewing BS by Breitbart. It’s disgusting.

No one said to single Breitbart out.

Every one knows the WH is a building.

Everyday, people in the media refer to ‘statements from the WH’.

Yes, Breitbart is the villain. Pointing out ‘irresponsible journalism’ is a moral statement no one can disagree with. Given the low regard in which journalists are held nowadays, the WH comes out as ethical.