
GOP Plans to Persecute Scientists and Attack Science Itself

Yeah Sure WhatEVs11/04/2010 1:14:06 pm PDT

re: #76 Renaissance_Man

If you believe the memes, it’s the fault of Democrats for being so unbearably evil that they’re forced to vote against them. At least, that’s the prevailing opinion I see.

I believe that is the Fox effect of demonizing anything and anyone any way related to any Democrat. If a D is for it (even when those who used to be sane Republican’s were for THE EXACT SAME THING) it is inherently and innately bad. Seven million people watched Fox on election night. What do you think they heard?

And how can we expect any kind of cooperation and doing anything for the country when we are told over and over (by Fox and the wingnuts) that Dems are evil, socialists, Marxists, communists and hell bent on destroying the country? Who would WANT cooperation if you truly believe that, and there are too many people who truly believe that.