
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

windsagio6/09/2010 9:36:42 pm PDT

re: #820 alexknyc

What? You guys like that term.

I’ll repeat, I think that the fears of Britain falling under Sharia law are trumped up at best.

re: #823 Slumbering Behemoth

Perhaps, but there has been talk of Sharia courts operating with authority along side British courts in England. It’s a hideous separate but equal thing in my mind.

Still, I do not think we need to pass a law banning Sharia Law anymore than we need to pass one banning Leviticus Law. Both would be naturally and obviously illegal in America.

/And just because I like the poem: Sharia Law

See, THIS is a point. Its all kinds of messed up. Its also not them taking over power. Its also not possible in the US.