
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #5: 'What Ever Happened To Scorpio?'

William Lewis7/25/2010 7:54:39 am PDT

re: #41 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Good Morning,

It’s because Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition is Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s “there should be no such thing as a legal gun” organization. While a real group dedicated to working on lowering access to firearms by felons might well be something useful to the country, this was not it. The NRA and it’s ilk delight in pointing this out and putting pressure on those mayors that belonged to it. Combine it with the 2 recent Supreme Court cases and it’s a no-brainer for a Tennessee politician to choose the NRA over Bloomberg.

Please note that even as a gun owner, I have no love for the NRA. Everytime those … people… open their mouths they tend to damage gun owners with the vast middle. Rather like too many other conservative groups these days. But in the end, the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition is worse than the NRA and the number of mayors defecting from it shows the position of weakness that it finds itself in.