
Alleged Anti-Muslim Attacker Charged with Hate Crime

elbruce8/25/2010 12:45:33 pm PDT

re: #79 DaddyG

I don’t like the knee jerk reaction of people trying to link political affiliation to murderers and thugs. If this were the result of a mob leaving a neo-nazi rally or an injury caused by the Environmental Liberation Front setting a fire that would be different.

The anti-muslim sentiments are bad in and of themselves but the eagerness of the conservatives to link him to a left-leaning group (and conversely the eagerness of liberals to link him to the right) is just plain ugly.

This act should be condemned on the face of it and using it to demonize those who believe differently than (me/you) is just crass.

The fact that it happened in the same city one day after an anti-Muslim rally is kind of a “connect the dots” experience. I would merely hope that it causes at least some of the anti-Muslim shouters to rethink what they’re saying and doing.