
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/08/2010 1:07:26 pm PDT

re: #814 reason0911

I haven’t taken anything on faith. Please provide the science…from both sides. I’d like to make a comparison and since you’ve already done that you can help and it’ll be a challenge for me which I’m up to…sifting through all that info and trying to interpret it. I’m down.

On which of Robinson’s claims?

As to Anthropogenic Global Warming, look at my 824.

As to AIDs being caused by HIV, that has already been discussed up thread.

I wrote a post even further up thread about his crazy views on hormesis.

As to both sides, in science, there are no two sides ever. There is no second place. Either the data, evidence and mathematics supports you or it does not. The data support AGW, HIV as the cause of AIDS and the fact that hormesis is misapplied in the case of radiation.