
Overnight Plan 9

Kenneth2/13/2009 7:16:03 am PST

Here is the link to the article about Soros trash talking the banks the day before the run happened:

re: #536 notutopia

Here is a press release on Soros on the same day of that bank run! Timing coincidence? Hmmmm.

And here’s a gem of a quote from that article:

“I don’t know why on Earth they interview Soros since he has been proven again and again to deliberately spread financial rumour for his own exploitation and gain,” wrote one, “Soros became a multi multi billionaire precisely through manipulating markets like this - if this man says that we are heading for a 1930’s style crash you can guarantee he already has plans to profit from it.”

I haven’t seen any evidence of a direct link between Soros and the bank run, but he could easily cover his tracks.