
Yet Another Wingnut Blogosphere Fail: No Connection Between White House Shooter and OWS

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/17/2011 9:21:07 am PST

re: #830 Killgore Trout

Yeah. So you’re not engaging with the political system. You’re not even voting. your sole engagement is just complaining, complaining, complaining.

News flash: That will not fix a fucking thing. You think the OWS people aren’t going to make anything better? They might not. But you are absolutely not. A claim of “well, at least I’m not adding the problem” isn’t fucking good enough. Things need to change. They’re not going to get better on their own. It’s the ethical responsibility of every single goddamn person who can see that there’s a problem to help to fix it.

If you used the amount of time and energy you spend highlighting every bit of petty crime at OWS doing get out the vote calls, or working to get a green energy bill passed, you might actually have a positive effect on the system. It’s not a sure thing. But just whining is not going to change a damn thing, and that’s obvious.