
Sunday Afternoon Open

revobob3/08/2009 7:50:18 pm PDT

re: #805 Jetpilot1101

While some of us may not like it, President Obama is the CinC of all of the US military and because of that, the salute is correct, yes even if he isn’t in a uniform and uncovered. Most presidents have tried very hard to return a snappy salute to the USMC guards at the door to Marine 1; some have failed miserably (Clinton), others have done relatively well (Bush). The salute is a gesture of respect to a senior officer and technically needs to be held by the junior member until the senior member drops his or hers. The various presidents are simply returning a military courtesy since they are the leader of the armed forces.
I certainly never suggested anything about the POTUS needing to be in uniform. I understand what you are saying about his saluting being acceptable, but as I previously pointed out, a half-assed salute is not proper. I know as a civilian manager, and I believe the military is no different, a senior who does not respect his juniors is a very poor senior. (Not that this is a surprise with FCCBHO) and is likely to find his six flapping in the breeze when he most needs it covered.

I suppose if folks wanted the President in uniform, he could start wearing olive green fatigues a la Castro; maybe those aren’t too far off.