
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

Throbert McGee7/21/2009 8:55:35 pm PDT

Coincidentally, I just referenced Mr. David Klinghoffer in a post on the “Jupiter Gets Hit” thread — and I did my best to elucidate the difference between Intelligent Design and “theistic evolution,” a distinction that Klinghoffer still doesn’t get. (Or possibly he does get the distinction, but he’s chosen to side with medievalism.)

I’ve also previously taken issue with Klinghoffer on gay-rights issues, and here, as with evolution, Klinghoffer is “close but no cigar.”

On the one hand, he is relatively humane and tolerant on the subject of homosexuality — but on the other hand, the point that eludes him is that just possibly, a leetle bit of homosexuality within a mostly heterosexual population is actually better, from a group-survival POV, than zero-homosexuality.)