
Climate Deniers and Saudi Arabia Agree on 'Climategate'

Gus12/07/2009 10:33:39 pm PST

re: #61 SpaceJesus

do these conservative fundamentalist christians who are against green technology realize that they are pouring cash into the pockets of the muslims and communists (chavez) every time they fill up their hummers and ford F-9000 heavy duty pickup trucks?

what the hell is this mental disconnect?

Denial. Plus they get to blame Democrats for not being able to drill oil domestically. Of cre: #74 Walter L. Newton

Where did you get this list?

Those are the member parties of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy group which is sponsering an Alternative Climate Conference which is also sponsored by the Danish People’s Party. I had a link somewhere. They’re getting several American anti-AGW notables to speak at the event.