
Mississippi Catholic Bishops, Religious Leaders Denounce Personhood Bill

Dark_Falcon11/05/2011 7:13:53 pm PDT

re: #75 jamesfirecat

Fair enough.

I’m creating the most Lulz worthy warband I can think of as I read through the Black Crusade players guide and so far we have Perry Cox from Scrubs as a Nurgle worshipper as the group’s healer, and
Benvenuti Sfondrati-Piccolomini from The Philosopher Strangle and Forward the Mage, as a worshipper of Slaanesh.

Next we clearly need to pick up Twilight Sparkle as a Tzeentch psyker, and Fiona from Burn Notice as a gun/bomb specialist who worships Khorn.

You do realize that Kragar is going to send you to the Inquisitors for having said that, right?

Speaking of empires, the 20th Anniversary Edition of Timothy Zahn’s first Star Wars novel, Heir to the Empire, is out now. It’s still a great read, and the annotations by Zahn and his editor really give you some insight into the creative process behind the book that reignited Star Wars as a franchise. The list price is $30, though with a 205 Barnes & Noble membership discount plus a 30% off coupon I got it for $16.80 ($18.40 after tax).