
Armey: A GOP Majority Will Fight to Ban Abortion

Fozzie Bear9/14/2010 6:35:13 pm PDT

re: #704 Obdicut

I believe there need to be fewer unwanted pregnancies.

I don’t see the abortions as the problem. I see the unwanted pregnancies as the problem. Abortions are a symptom of the problem.

And that implies easily available birth control, and widespread factual sex education, for teenagers and young adults. Abstinence “education” doesn’t work. You can’t fight millions of years of evolution. Teenagers are wired to screw like rabbits. You might be able to convince some of them to abstain, but not most of them.

Unfortunately, efforts to make birth control widely and freely available to the young (those most likely to have unwanted pregnancies) have been stridently opposed by socons, who now mostly control the GOP.

The real solution to unwanted pregnancies requires that we, as a nation, get over our hang-ups about sex and talk to our kids honestly about it. I don’t see that happening any time soon. Kids are going to screw. That’s the bottom line. Either they are doing so safely, or not. It’s our responsibility to see to it that they know what risks they take, and how to manage them effectively.