
The Shrieking Harpy Shrieks Again

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/12/2009 6:54:37 pm PDT

Alas it is time to post some more secrets of Remulak…

One time agent Geller, who was actually rather attractive before the ravages of alcohol, was being wooed by a junior overlord.

The junior overlord, alas fresh from Yeshiva, and while fully versed in the theory of saucer operation and human handling techniques, was not really ready for the practical applications of all his new responsibilities. Like many a butter bar before him, he did not listen to the sage advice of his NCO.

His NCO an overlord, non-com with just shy of 200 years of service experience looked at him and said, “Sir, she is batshit crazy, if you expand her horizons too much with the probulator, we’ll have tremendous backlash or I’m not circumcised. It will be just like what happened with Anne Heche only this one has a mean streak”

Of course, the junior overlord did not listen. He believed that she had great potential and that by expanding her mind with deep knowledge about the universe would make her into a deep and rational voice for action that would be intellectually unassailable.

After numerous ill-advised probulations, Geller began to exhibit classic signs of anger, paranoid delusion and schizophrenic response. Now she knew full well that she was being turned into the agent of Zionist Overlords who flew in flying saucers. This created a certain love hate dichotomy in her fractured psyche.

Her only defense mechanism was to ally with Euro Nazi scum. Here were big dumb hateful men that she could always feel superior to. They appealed to her angry and violent side. Most importantly, they did not see discussing the intricacies of 11 dimension space folding as a form of foreplay.

Then the alcoholism kicked in. It’s all tragic really.

However, once again, she fits in well with the over all plans of Remulak, by discrediting the far right.