
Obama Says He's "Constrained" by the Constitution, Right Wing Bloggers Rave Like Loons

Big Steve4/04/2013 11:42:07 am PDT

What has amused me is the apparent 180 degree opposed views some people can have about President Obama and the current administration yet not seem to notice the conflict. On one hand some feel that he is so omnipotent that were it not for some silly piece of paper written 200 years ago, he could snap his hands and all the guns would fly out of our hands, cases, pick-up trucks, and gun safes into the governments vaults. Yet at the same time the meme yesterday was that the administration is so fouled up and incompetent that it can’t even enact the centerpiece portion of its own health act (marketplace selection of health plans for small businesses) and need another year or two to get the job done.