
Yet Another Wingnut Blogosphere Fail: No Connection Between White House Shooter and OWS

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/17/2011 9:35:00 am PST

re: #847 Killgore Trout

I’m not going to march around with communists and violent anarchists. It’s simply not going to happen. Any event they attend I will not participate in.

Again, you’re just ignoring what I actually write, or pretending I said something I didn’t. Why do you do that? You’re an intelligent guy, and you’re playing dumb on a regular basis. What the fuck is up with that? It’s pathetic.

If you used the amount of time and energy you spend highlighting every bit of petty crime at OWS doing get out the vote calls, or working to get a green energy bill passed, you might actually have a positive effect on the system. It’s not a sure thing. But just whining is not going to change a damn thing, and that’s obvious.

Find a candidate worth supporting, like Whitehouse or Warren. Thanks to the connected age we live in, you don’t even have to be in their district. You can help fundraise, or, if you’re morally opposed to getting more money in politics, you can just do get out the vote, or work on information campaigns for the public. You can work on petition drives to get issues on the local ballot. You can do a fucking huge number of things.

Positing it as either sitting on your ass complaining or marching with anarchists is a totally fake, made up false dichotomy.