
Edward Snowden's Statement From Moscow - Update: Snowden's Letter to Ecuador's President

Kragar7/01/2013 4:23:00 pm PDT

Gohmert: Obama Declared ‘War with Christianity,’ Doesn’t Understand America

Guest-hosting the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch last week, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said that he doubted President Obama’s Christian faith and American heritage. After making a bizarre argument about the incompatibility of marriage equality and evolution, Gohmert claimed that Obama is merely a “proclaimed Christian” and contended that the president has “gone to war with Christianity.”

“The gloves have come off, there really is a war by this administration against not just the Catholic Church but the Christian Church,” he said. Gohmert charged that under Obama “you can’t practice what you believe about birth control, about abortion, this administration will tell you what religious practices you can participate in and what you can’t.”

He also suggested the government may begin collecting personal information such as medical and phone records and emails of Christians to use against them:

Practicing what you believe apparently means forcing everyone in the nation to adhere to your personal beliefs.