
A Great New Song and Video From Courtney Barnett: "Nameless, Faceless"

Targetpractice2/17/2018 1:32:37 am PST

It is disturbing these days how easily conversations go from “I’m a history buff, love to visit the sites” to “You know the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, right?” when you’re talking with an old white man. I swear, I could have won a round of “White Grievance Bingo” in the last 20 minutes:

- War was about trade/economic, the North was afraid of competition
- War was over failure to compromise
- Secessionist state proclamations read like Declaration of Independence
- It was totally like the Revolutionary War (i.e. colonists against overbearing crown)
- They’re erasing our history/heritage
- South dominated by Democrats, North by Republicans

Why does this shit always happen to me when I’m a captive audience?