
Audio: Mike Huckabee and Todd Akin Explain the GOP Concept of 'Forcible Rape'

Kragar8/20/2012 12:05:31 pm PDT

Todd Akin: ‘I’ve Not Yet Begun To Fight’

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) apologized profusely, said he understood how pregnancy works and invoked Sept. 11 in his first interview since he unleashed a firestorm with a Sunday statement that women who are victims of “legitimate rape” can biologically fend off pregnancy.

He also vowed to stay in the Missouri Senate race, despite calls from more than one Republican senator for him to drop his bid.

“The good people of Missouri nominated me. And I’m not a quitter. And my belief is we’re going to take this thing forward,” Akin told Mike Huckabee on his talk radio show Monday. “To quote my old friend John Paul Jones, ‘I’ve not yet begun to fight.’”

Reports: Akin Advisers Make Preparations For Withdrawal Tomorrow