
Will Obama, McCain, and Dodd Return Their AIG Bonuses?

yma o hyd3/18/2009 9:42:08 am PDT

re: #50 Czarny_Smok

This whole AIG bonus mess is a huge smokescreen! Obviously Obama’s sudden outrage at the payments of bonuses, which they have only known about for a year, is a tactical diversion: He’s again throwing out the evil corp. managers as the devils which draws attention from the fact that AIG promptly sent $12 billion each to France and Germany and another $8.5 billion to the UK, etc. If enough of this travesty gets exposure he won’t be able to get even the Dem. congress to continue to pump money into this hole - - and without that, he’s toast.

In this global economy we now have, lets keep in mind that thes sums didn’t go to ‘France, Germany and the UK’ - they went to banks and companiesin which AIG held huge stakes, and which would have crashed without that.

It might be worthwhile to imagine how global bank failures would ahve affected this global economy, and how that woulkd ahve played on the international stage.

And lets not forget that, especially in the UK, the governments ahve pumped sums on a comparable level into the banking system as in the USA - and the Bank of England was even forced to start printing money.
Its unfortunate, but there are now no national barriers in international finance.