
Bad Craziness at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Website

Killgore Trout7/26/2009 1:38:49 pm PDT

re: #58 zombie
Close, but you’re a little bit off on this part…

f. Predictably, as soon as any public protest movement emerges, the extremists jump into the middle of the fray, grab the baton from the parade leader and assume the self-appointed “leadership” of the movement.
g. In this circumstance, the Ron Paul crazies, and a plethora of slightly-less-crazy crazies invited themselves to the Tea Party anti-tax protests, and now play a prominent role.

The infrastructure for the Tea Parties was already in place. Paulians and Truthers have been having Tea Parties for years. When normal conservatives discovered the idea they inadvertently ended up joining a Paulian movement. That’s why so many of the local and national Tea Party organizers and bloggers are Paulians. They were already in place by the time normal conservatives joined.