
The Liberal Modus Ponens versus The Republican Modus Tollens

tshinkle9/29/2011 6:32:13 pm PDT

I don’t mean to offend and annoy the group, which I’m obviously doing, so this will be my last post on this thread. Since several posts were directed at me, and since silence is as good as agreement:

freetoken: I do understand the links…they are simply saying two things. Sea level has in fact dropped recently and Sea Ice has increased since the same date in 2007. I did read the WaPo piece and they simply confirmed the sea level drop since the stats are confusing. Maybe there is a reason why this is happening in opposition to computer models; I didn’t comment.

Partial List of Skeptical Scientists

SanFranciscoZionist: Yes I understand the number scientists who say AGW is happening is greater than the skeptics…probably by 25:1 or more. My only comments are, it used to be closer to 1,000:1 and I stand by my comment of “follow the money”.

Obdicut: The money big oil, coal, and the Koch’s have put towards this argument is a pittance compared to the research grants distributed to those who are on the “correct” side of this conundrum.
