
David Bowie Reminisces: Thin White Gelato

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/26/2013 4:00:26 am PST

re: #87 Justanotherhuman

JFC. I’m sick of these people whose lust for guns outweighs their lust for life.

2-month-old girl ‘accidentally’ shot dead by family member on Christmas Eve

The handgun allegedly belonged to a “relative”.

Who allows a gun to be brought into their house and handled in the presence of children? No one, absolutely no one would ever be allowed to bring a weapon into my home. In 72 yrs, I have never needed one for home protection—absolutely never.

My Chinese students have the false impression — from TV shows and movies, I suppose — that every American has at least one gun, and that we are usually packing heat whenever we go out. This impression is so pervasive in China that some parents won’t let their kids study in the USA, for fear they might get shot. I’ve tried to dissuade them from this notion, using my family as an example. I think the last member to have kept a firearm in the house was my great-great-great-grandfather, who was a farmer in New Jersey. HIs son moved to Manhattan, and all the descendants ever after were gun-free (save for military service).

So, I am perplexed when I hear that some folks have not one, but entire collections of firearms at home.