
White House Press Room Cage Match! Fox News vs. the Second Stupidest Man on the Internet!

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/10/2017 6:57:53 pm PST

Trump Rally with local Republican politicians. Speakers call for deporting Jews and a genocide of liberals.
(with video of the rally)

They also called Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) a “secret communist.”

Well, these would be the same sort of wingnuts that were calling Gold Star Family members “supporters of terrorism” for supporting Khzir and Ghazala Khan, so I am not terribly surprised.

Sen. McCain a “secret communist?” That’s a new one on me, as he is a disabled veteran.

So I guess I hit the trifecta: a Democratic city councilmember in a very conservative state (thankfully not Arizona), a disabled veteran, and a Gold Star Family member. When does the purge begin, I want to get my tickets early.