
Ze Frank: If the Earth Gave Earth Day Awards, Featuring the Incredibly Cute Swimming Sloth

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))4/26/2020 12:27:16 pm PDT

re: #81 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

They’ve already shown that they have no capacity for staying in their bunkers if disaster struck. To bring them out all the mutants would need to do and send out a short wave signal that some barber shops were reopening their doors.

One things grows more and more clear: if there ever is any major natural and/or man-made catastrophe that leads to the breakdown of public order over large areas or for a large population, prompting Martial Law, things will break down and armed goombahs will be out disobeying government orders (while endangering other people’s lives in the process) just because it is their ornery, contrarian nature to do so.