
Washington Post on Freeman's 'Crackpot Tirade'

samsgran19483/12/2009 8:40:20 am PDT

Not even two months in, and this thing is assuming proportions of an epic, out-of-the-park, over-the-top failure. Not even in my scariest nightmares did I think Bambi was going to fail so massively and so soon. I thought for sure that it was going to be like Chinese water torture — little idiot things that over time would bring eventual failure; not the fricking tap turned on full blast from day one.

So many appointments left unfilled. So many blatantly unsuitable candidates for unfilled offices. The sheer ungodly rudeness Obama, his wife and his minions showed the Browns. The inability to focus on any one issue at a time. The non-stop campaigning for re-election in 2012.

And we’ve got another forty-six months of this ahead of us. GA-A-A-CK!