
PBS Launches iPhone App with Streaming Video

McSpiff1/13/2011 4:12:17 pm PST

re: #87 Walter L. Newton

Well, if your really anal! Here’s what I have been told about the marking. It is not a “clock” system, meaning marks that rotate around a central device or two on the back design. Such as putting a small mark on a round device, incrementing the mark around the circular device, like a clock.

Supposedly there is no scheme, no pattern, nothing that, finding a mark on one card, would lead you to finding the next mark on the next card in the suit.

It is supposedly totally random, created by someone, created with 52 distinct marks, in differing places, and there is no scheme to it, you HAVE to simply memorize the 52 different positions.

That’s what I have been told. I only find a unique printing mark on the ace of spades.

The flip side of this, there is no marking scheme on over the counter bicycles, and that it is a printing mistake that has been carried down through the decades.

I’m only claiming there is a mark, inadvertently or not, on the ace of spades.

And If I buy a pack of bicycles today, it’ll still have these? Seems like a high quality scan, compare the images, should give the marks no?