
At Pat Robertson's Site, Herman Cain Pulls Out An Even More Extreme Abortion Position

OhNoZombies!10/23/2011 12:20:25 pm PDT

Cain reminds me of the Court Jesters in fairy stories, you know, clownish on the outside, but much more politically adept behind closed doors.
Everytime Cain pukes up one of his positions, whether it’s 999, or electrified fences, or abortion, it seems like he falls just short of bat-shit crazy. Is he testing to see what works with the base? Or is he drawing out the crazy in his opponents, because that’s the pattern; Cain draws a crazy line in the sand, puts a toe just over the line, then the rest of the candidates jump over said line with drums and tambourines.
I can’t exactly figure out what he’s trying to do, because he has to know he’s not gonna get the nomination. But if I was a right leaning conspiracy person, I would think Cain was an Obama operative trying to destroy my party.

Then again, I might need to get more sleep…