
Video: Santorum Pines for the Days of 'Shadow Abortions' and Back-Alley Procedures

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/06/2012 7:28:14 pm PST

I had to watch the video to get the context… and that the TPM script of Santorum’s words has a wrong tense btw (“it will happen” versus the scribed “happened”)…

Anyway, the context is euthanasia. Santorum claims half of all the older people euthanized in the Netherlands didn’t really consent. So Santorum’s thrust here isn’t about abortion - he’s using abortion as an example to scare his audience about, in essence, Obamacare killing grandma.

That’s quite a claim and I wonder from where Santorum gets this. Given the nature of previous claims creationists along this line (who are notorious for twisting actual evidence) I look upon this claim by Santorum with great suspicion. I know there are “Pro-life” organizations out there that get into the euthanasia debate, e.g the website (which gets some of it’s info/disinformation from the IDiots).

Anyone know if Santorum said from where he gets his info?