
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Salamantis5/19/2009 7:38:15 am PDT

re: #885 zeebeach

I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page here, though you raised a very valid point regarding textbooks that I hadn’t considered. I believe the textbook business, particularly in private schools, is a tremendous scam. It’s easy to see how it can be abused if there isn’t a uniform curriculum. I guess I’m just not as outraged as others because I haven’t seen any damage to my kids having learned both darwinism and creationism (though granted, the didn’t learn the creationism theory in science class).

You’re just lucky. Kids who have been taught creationism are statistically much more likely to reject evolution in college.

And this costs those kids the possibility of choosing careers in bioscience, and costs our country the discoveries and innovations they might have made here, as well as the products and services that would have come from them; instead, these will be produced and sold by other countries, benefitting their economies rather than our own.

And then there’s the problem of not having the competent bioscientists necessary to quickly and correctly respond to a terrorist bioweapons attack, and the millions of deaths of US citizens that the resultant plague could cost.