
Seth Meyers: Trump Threatens War With Iran on Saudi Arabia's Behalf

Jay C9/17/2019 6:39:26 am PDT

re: #83 Barefoot Grin

Every fucking thing for them is justified by Bork.

SRSLY: 32 years, and they still can’t let go of the fact that one of their Original Wingnut Idols got rejected for SCOTUS (after utterly-fucking-due process) because of public political agitation against his nomination - actually worse, public political agitation against his extremist ideology -and have spent all the intervening time picking at that sore, and obsessing on their butthurt-justifying mythologizing.

By my count, between Bork’s rejection by the Senate on 10/23/1987 and his demise on 12/19/2012 , it was 9,189 days: every single one of which the country should have been thankful that that inflexible crank wasn’t sitting on the nation’s High Court.