
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

really grumpy big dog johnson2/10/2010 11:54:30 am PST

Warming skeptics always get criticized for pointing out individual events and suggesting that they indicate the opposite of global warming, while those who support the theory point out individual events - or pairs of events - to suggest that global warming is indeed why these unusual events have occurred.


Large chunk of Antarctic ice shelf calves off (at the end of the summer in that hemisphere)

Glacier in the Alps receding dramatically

Twin freak snowstorms hit the mid-Atlantic

Hurricane Katrina, and the string of strong hurricane seasons that included and preceded it

The list goes on and on… But don’t dare to use single or paired events if you are somewhat skeptical of those who point to global warming as inevitable, and with resulting catastrophes almost unimaginable in scope. You will be laughed out of the forum.