
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Spare O'Lake8/06/2010 12:01:19 pm PDT

re: #67 LudwigVanQuixote

Because the propagandists at Fox are the ones covering the story though, people in the middle and the left will dismiss the realities of honor killings and the horrs behind them. Because the MSM doesn’t look into such things, people who watch Fox, have something true and horrible to point to when they claim that lefties ignore the realities.

In both cases, the hand wringing and jingoism of Fox coupled with the apathy of the left brig no real recognition of a serious issue.

People on the left don’t watch Fox, do they?
Fox is right to report on honour killings and deserve kudos for doing so…unless they attempt to portray all Muslims as perpetrators or as being otherwise complicit.