
Video: Melvin the Machine

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/01/2011 7:51:27 pm PDT

The news article title reads:

Kilos of ancient coins found in temple vault

And the first paragraph summarizes:

Hundreds of kilos of coins issued by the government of erstwhile Travancore (raasi) and those from the time of Napoleon and the British East India Company were among the articles that were counted and weighed on the second day of inventorying of the contents of vault A of Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple.

Hmmm… The Kingdom of Travancore lasted until 1949… and Napolean did his thing in the 19th century.

Three of my grandparents were born in the 19th century.

That means I knew people who lived in “ancient” times!!

I feel old.