
Aurora Shooter Tried to Lure People to Booby-Trapped Apartment

Velvet Elvis7/20/2012 2:34:57 pm PDT

re: #76 goddamnedfrank

Yeah, if her gut instinct is that it was her kid who shot up a theater full of people then she clearly should have sought an involuntary commitment.

That’s the only way we’re going to cut down on gun violence in this country, if we individually start taking mental health more seriously. If we pay attention to the people close to us and act on the warning signs instead of ignoring them.

Let’s be real.

I’m bipolar. I really want treatment and have to fight to get it. I pay a fairly large fraction of my annual income for the medications required to keep me sane and a productive member of society. I’m on some rx assistance programs though the drug companies that get me some meds for free. Without these it would easily be $10k a year.

If it’s this hard for me to get treatment, what chance does somebody who refuses it have?

We have to have something like single payer health care in place before we can even start having this discussion.