
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

Milty7/06/2011 3:09:46 pm PDT

re: #897 Obdicut

That’s weird. Long before the Right ever gave a shit about the Mid-East, feminists were protesting our involvement with them because of the unequal status of women there.

So, kind of the opposite of what you just said.

Second, who are these gender feminists? Seriously, where are they? What effect on the world do they actually have?

You scared little man.

I do not know what you are talking about and I trust you do, but Western gender feminists as a rule are exceedingly pro-Arab and anti-Israel. There is a some major tension nowadays between feminists who favor Israel, like Prof. Phyllis Chesler, and the “mainstream” gender feminists who are rabid leftists.

“who are these gender feminists?”

I see what you are saying. You are saying that I am getting all worked up about a bunch of women, and I am forgetting that they are just women, and therefore not really capable of having any major effect on anything, positive or detrimental. Am I getting this right?