
For Trump's Head of Veteran Affairs: Are You Ready for the Return of Sarah Palin?

lawhawk11/30/2016 1:33:32 pm PST

No doubt Trump will tout how many women that he’s picked so far in his cabinet/inner circle:

Nikki Haley (no experience and nominated for Ambassador to UN)
Elaine Chao (experienced, but awful as DOL under GWB)
Betsy DeVos (billionaire who wants to gut public education).

Palin’s experience, or lack thereof, doesn’t matter to Trump.

If Palin gets her hands on the VA, all the worst problems the agency has had over the past 8 years will seem like child’s play in retrospect. Watch for the GOP to outsource, privatize, and reduce benefits/coverages to veterans, especially at a time when they’re most needed as more Gulf War (I and II) and Afghanistan vets require more assistance/treatment - both for physical ailments and mental health.

Watch the GOP slash mental health treatment in particular.