
Samantha Bee vs. The Very Bad, No Good Anti-Vaccination Movement [VIDEO]

BlueGrl214/04/2019 2:08:30 pm PDT

re: #8 Hecuba’s daughter

Being arrogant doesn’t make you an anti-vaxxer. It sounds like they are either very susceptible to propaganda or they are not too bright.

No. :)

Two things in conflict: their general intelligence and their religious beliefs. Two of them have master’s degrees and all three are reasonably bright. But this is wrapped up in religious belief. Their church pushes those beliefs. Trump pushes those beliefs. They follow.

They have also always been people who think they get everything about how the world works. They think they are special. Part of this is also about having a view they think is a revelation that only a select few understand. Everyone else is sheep. That is arrogance that they carry about being “right.”

They’re pretty insufferable.