
Video: Science Denial is Dangerous

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/22/2010 10:14:04 pm PDT

This is one of my favorite TED talks.

As a note BTW: I was recently talking to my brother, the cardiologist. He had a patient who is a heavy smoker and was starting to experience smoking related health problems.

The man acknowledged the dangers of smoking, but he said that he simply did not wish to quit or even try to quit.

My brother asked why he was suicidal.

The man said he did not wish to commit suicide.

My brother asked if he was aware of the risks of smoking and the fact that he was already starting to have problems which would only get worse if he continued to smoke.

The man said Yes yes yes, he’s heard that all before.

So my brother asked again why he was suicidal.

The man said he was not suicidal.

Round and round it went.

My brother and I had quite a bonding experience over this.

He said, I understand, I really understand why you get so worked up over Global Warming. You aren’t making it up, you have all the data in the world you need to prove you are telling the truth. You are trying to save lives by getting people to just take it seriously. And they ignore you.

I said yes, but with smoking they kill themselves and damage others from second hand smoke. With AGW they are sure to kill me and you too.