
The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Jeff In Ohio11/09/2010 8:30:22 am PST

Compared to The Pamzilla, the spelling, syntax and grammar of the rant generator is a bit to understandable. Is it possible to code it with digital equivalent of malt liquor and vicodin? For the same effect, you could run it through a couple iterations of babblefish.

For example here’s yours:

The Islamic Supremacists are at it again! This week they have been exposed plotting to take over America’s meatpacking industry, with the TRAITORS at The Islamic Supremacists may try to tell you otherwise with evidence and sources and all that jazz, but I say they’re all a bunch of COMMUNISTS PINKOS! That’s why we need more people like Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, as if he were alive, he would take back our country from RINO Republicans, one by one. We don’t need the stench of moderation or acceptance of criticism in our Congress. The Islamic Supremacists are the real extremists, anyway, those evil evil evil MR. FREEZES!

Here’s Babblefish From English to German to Spanish to English

Islamic extremists are back! This week they were conspiring exposed to the meatpacking industry in the U.S. have, with the traitors Islamic extremists might try, for example, or with evidence and sources and all that, but I say that we are all a bunch of communist pinkos! Therefore, we need more people like Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, as if alive, would return to our country from the RINO Republicans, one by one. We do not need the smell of moderation and acceptance of our critics in Congress. Islamic extremists are the real extremists, however, evil evil evil MR. Freeze!